Particular emphasis is placed on elements of therapy such as:
• Palpation • Avenue of Expression Protocol • Whole Body Evaluation • SER process – working with resistance, dialoguing • Meridians • Chakras • Vectors
Exam process step-by-step
Below you will find the application form. Download it and send a scanned copy of the completed and signed form to:
Please attach your current photo and a copy of the document confirming your professional qualifications. After your application is positively reviewed, we will begin the examination process.
After your application is approved, we will ask you to pay the exam fee of PLN 2200.
Essay questions
Otrzymasz zestaw pytań esejowych w języku polskim i angielskim. Twoje odpowiedzi muszą być udzielone w języku angielskim, ponieważ sprawdzać je będzie certyfikowany egzaminator z Instytutu Upledgera. Po napisaniu esejów odeślij je do nas, a my przekażemy je do oceny.
Case Study
Describe and send via email a case study of 5 patients to: . Write each case study in a separate Word document in English. The suggested length of each case description is at least 1 page of A4 format.
Each case study should contain the following information: • title of the case: e.g., neck pain after a car accident, • number of therapeutic sessions and the date of the first and last session, • age and gender of the patient, • reported symptoms and/or diagnosis, • evaluation results during each session, • techniques and treatment procedures used, • therapy results, • discussion.
When writing your case studies, ensure they do not contain real names or identifying features that could lead to the identification of the patient.
Internship Program
Complete the so-called internship (Preceptorship Program), which includes a minimum of 30 hours. It can be completed by: participating in the Intensive Program as a supporting therapist, serving as a TA in the ADV course, or participating in Clinical Application of SER or Clinical Application of Advanced CST class.
Article or Presentation
Deliver a six-hour presentation on CST to an organized group or publish an article on CST.
Multiple-choice test
You will take this part of the exam directly in front of the examiner.
Practical exam
You will perform the exam practically on a patient, covering all techniques included in the CST1 to ADV1 curriculum. You must demonstrate the correct execution of each technique and describe it according to the nomenclature used at the Upledger Institute. One of the most important elements of the practical exam is to effectively conduct the SER process on the patient
After passing the exams, you receive the title "Certified," which is added to your profile in the alumni directory on the International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP) website, strengthening your position and credibility in the therapeutic community.