PLN 4 500
Completion of the CST2 course,
Finely tuned palpation of the craniosacral rhythm,
completion of at least 25 hard palate protocols.
English, with consecutive translation into Polish.
Below is a video featuring instructor Karen Axelrod, who briefly describes the course content:
CSCN1 is a specialized Upledger CranioSacral Therapy course that focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the twelve cranial nerves, possible causes of their dysfunction, and ways to restore their function using new and existing techniques and protocols derived from Upledger CranioSacral Therapy.
The twelve cranial nerves are a key component of our nervous system, and their proper functioning significantly contributes to our well-being.
Cranial nerves control five senses: smell, sight, hearing, touch, and taste.
They help maintain homeostasis and regulate heart function, respiration, digestion, and blood pressure. They also support our balance and coordination. Recent studies show that they play an important role in our social engagement, recovery from trauma, and survival in mammalian communities. Like other nerves or physiological structures in the body, cranial nerves can become dysfunctional for various reasons, such as bony or membranous restrictions in the area of the cranium or cervical spine, inflammation, damage, disease or trauma, demyelination, abnormal intracranial pressure, or poor blood supply or circulation.
CranioSacral Therapy provides therapists with a unique opportunity to directly influence the regeneration and functioning of cranial nerves through the application of structural and energetic techniques.
Course elements:
- naming, describing, localizing, and understanding the functions of all cranial nerves,
- the impact of external trauma and internal diseases on nerve functions,
- differentiating dysfunctional nerves from healthy ones based on symptoms,
- osseaous, membranous, and energetic techniques,
- deepening knowledge, understanding, and application of CST techniques and principles.
See dates:
Learn from leading
world experts
in the field
of CranioSacral Therapy
Courses are conducted by instructors certified by the Upledger Institute International.

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We train therapists since 2012
We are a training institution with many years of experience. Since 2012, we have been organizing courses and training therapists, offering the highest level of education and support in professional development.
In the heart
of Poland
Courses take place in Sierosław, near Poznań, making it easily accessible from almost anywhere in Poland

Develop your skills
with the Upledger Institute worldwide
After completing each course module, participants receive a Certificate of Completion, which qualifies them to participate in further training at all Upledger Institute satellites around the world.